LIBS depth profiling of Be-containing samples with different gaseous impurity concentrations

P. G. Bhat, P. Veis (Corresponding Author), A. Marín Roldán, J. Karhunen, P. Paris, I. Jõgi, A. Hakola, J. Likonen, S. Almaviva, W. Gromelski, M. Ladygina, P. Gasior, J. Ristkok, I. Bogdanović Radović, Z. Siketić, O. Romanenko, C. Porosnicu, C. Lungu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)


    Understanding the interaction between the fusion plasma and the plasma-facing materials (PFMs) is crucial for achieving the optimal performance, safety, and lifetime of the fusion devices. Relevant materials have been intensely studied to determine fuel retention and the composition of the co-deposited layers on the PFMs by depth profile analysis using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Calibration-Free (CF)-LIBS. However, the comparison between the layers containing a mixture of different (seeding) gases using LIBS, has not been studied systematically. Consequently, the aim of this work is the LIBS depth profile analysis of Be-based samples containing the fuel (D) and one of the seeding gases (N, Ne, He) with variable concentrations to study the potential impact on fuel retention in the PFMs. The LIBS measurements were performed using Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) under Ar atmosphere (at 2 and 100 mbar). In LIBS the ablation rate was evaluated, spectral lines of all relevant elements except N and Ne were detected and compared with the SIMS depth profiles. The reasons for the non-detectability of Ne are discussed in detail.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number101549
    Number of pages6
    JournalNuclear Materials and Energy
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium, funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme (Grant Agreement No 101052200 - EUROfusion). Views and opinions expressed here are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. The authors PGB, PV, and AMR acknowledge the Scientific Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic (contract number 1/0803/21, VEGA-2/0144/21) and the Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV-16-0612 and APVV-22-0548) for financial support. This scientific paper has been published as part of the international project co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the programme called ‘PMW’ for 2023.


    • Ablation rates
    • Be-containing samples
    • Deuterium
    • LIBS depth profiles
    • Neon detectability
    • Seeding gases


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