LNA module reliability testing for the MetOp Second Generation satellites

Mikko Kärkkäinen, Mikko Kantanen, Ari Alanne, Jarkko Viitanen, Petri Jukkala, Markus Rösch, Arnulf Leuther, Marie Genevieve Perichaud, Ville Kangas

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    The reliability of the equipment that will be used in the MetOp Second Generation satellites is crucial, since there are significant storage and in-operation times. To evaluate the reliability performance of these receivers ESA has set up projects to assess these issues in advance. The most critical parts within the receivers of the atmospheric sounder and imager instruments are identified to be the detectors and the low-noise amplifiers. These components have a dedicated reliability assessment program within the projects on module level and the results can help in evaluating the most critical reliability aspects that should be investigated more carefully. In this paper, the 54 GHz (V-band) and 118 GHz (F-band) low-noise amplifier module design and reliability test results are presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMillimeter Waves (GSMM) & ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications, 2016 Global Symposium on
    PublisherIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5090-1348-7
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2016
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    Event2016 Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves, GSMM 2016 and ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications - Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
    Duration: 6 Jun 20168 Jun 2016


    Conference2016 Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves, GSMM 2016 and ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications
    Abbreviated titleGSMM 2016
    OtherThe main theme of the joint conference is MILLIMETER-WAVE AND TERAHERTZ SENSING AND COMMUNICATIONS. It covers millimeterwave and THz antennas, circuits, devices, systems and applications.


    • reliability engineering
    • millimeter wave integrated circuits
    • MIMICs
    • MMICs
    • low-noise amplifiers
    • millimeter wave transistors
    • integrated circuit reliability
    • materials reliability


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