Low-temperature TCT characterization of heavily proton irradiated p-type magnetic Czochralski silicon detectors

Jaakko Härkönen, Esa Tuovinen, Panja Luukka, Ivan Kassamakov, M Autioniemi, Eija Maarit Tuominen, Petri Sane, Petteri Pusa, Jyrki Räisänen, V Eremin, Z. Li Verbitskaya

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4 Citations (Scopus)


n(+)/p(-)/p(+) pad detectors processed at the Microelectronics Center of Helsinki University of Technology on boron-doped p-type high-resistivity magnetic Czochralski (MCz-Si) silicon substrates have been investigated by the transient current technique (TCT) measurements between 100 and 240 K. The detectors were irradiated by 9 MeV protons at the Accelerator Laboratory of University of Helsinki up to 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluence of 2 x 10(15) n/cm(2). In some of the detectors the thermal donors (TD) were introduced by intentional heat treatment at 430 degrees C. Hole trapping time constants and full depletion voltage values were extracted from the TCT data. We observed that hole trapping times in the order of 10ns were found in heavily (above 1 x 10(15) n(eq)/cm(2)) irradiated samples. These detectors could be fully depleted below 500 V in the temperature range of 140-180 K. (C)2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)71-76
JournalNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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