Maintenance Past or Through the Tablet? Examining Tablet Use with AR Guidance System

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Augmented reality has been pictured as one of the solutions for assembly and maintenance through the use of augmented guidance. We performed a video analysis on how users interacted with a tablet in a tabled-based ARguided maintenance task. The setup included a virtual model of a rock crusher run in the background of a physical maintenance cabinet. In the analysis, attention was paid on whether the tablet was placed on a table and whether the maintenance tasks were done viewing past or through the tablet. The analysis showed that the tablet was mostly held in the left hand and actions were performed using the right. In most subtasks, participants viewed the objects past the tablet. However, when voltage had to be adjusted using a physical knob, many participants fumbled for the knob looking through the tablet. The users largely ignored the virtual model. The model, however, added to the realism of the task by masking the auditory feedback that the participants reported not hearing but to which they reacted. The study points out practical tips for supporting user interaction of tabletbased AR guidance systems for maintenance tasks. The findings on tablet use are relevant also in other domains where instructions are displayed on handheld devices.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuroVR-2016 proceedings
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventEuropean Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Conference, EuroVR-2016 - Athens, Greece
    Duration: 22 Nov 201624 Nov 2016


    ConferenceEuropean Association for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Conference, EuroVR-2016
    Abbreviated titleEuroVR-2016


    • human-centered computing user studies
    • human-centered computing mixed / augmented reality
    • human-centered computing tablet computers


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