Mallasohralla korkeat laatuvaatimukset

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The quality requirements of malting barley are different from those of feed barley. The most important quality characteristics are uniform and rapid germination, suitable protein content, large kernel size and low microbial count. Modern, automated processes are sensitive to quality changes in raw materials. This means that the variation between batches and from kernel to kernel must be minimised. The export of malt and widening range of customers entails new quality requirements for malt and barley. The main target of the Finnish Malting Barley Research Programme is to improve the uniformity of malting barley and to decrease the protein content by advanced cultivation methods and by the development of new varieties.
Original languageFinnish
Article number27
JournalKehittyvä elintarvike
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2003
MoE publication typeD1 Article in a trade journal

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