Marine propulsion system

    Research output: PatentPatent


    According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided an energy transforming device (1) comprising a first portion (4) and a second portion (5) of a set of movable foils, a movement mechanism (2) coupled to the first portion (4) and the second portion (5) of the set of movable foils and configured to simultaneously control a motion of the first portion (4) and the second portion (5) of the set of foils along a closed trajectory (6) comprising a first direction (17) and a second direction (18) which is different than the first direction (17), and a pitch mechanism (3) coupled to the first portion (4) and the second portion (5) of the set of movable foils and configured to control a pitch motion (3) of the first portion (4) and the second portion (5) of the set of movable foils.

    Patent family as of 17.12.2021
    EP3526115 A1 20190821 EP20170794358 20171017      
    FI128463 B 20200529 FI20160005789 20161017      
    FI20165789 A 20180418 FI20160005789 20161017      
    FI20165789 L 20180418 FI20160005789 20161017      
    US2020055581 AA 20200220 US20170342553 20171017      
    WO18073493 A1 20180426 WO2017FI50724 20171017

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI128463B
    IPCF03D 5/ 02 A I
    Priority date17/10/16
    Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2020
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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