Measurement-based management of global software development projects: Dissertation

Maarit Tihinen

    Research output: ThesisDissertationCollection of Articles


    This research was carried out as part of several research projects at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Many people have helped me during this long process 2003-2014. First, I mention my supervisor Professor Veikko Seppänen. Veikko became my thesis supervisor in the 2003, when there was some vague idea about a thesis related to measurements and metrics and their utilisation in software development, at both project and organisational levels. During the research process, the topic appeared to grow or even change, but measurements and metrics have been part of my research activities throughout the process. In fact, the research topic has matured into measurement-based management of global software development projects, and now the work is ready. I wish to thank Veikko for helping to define the scope of the thesis, for encouraging me during the writing, and for, sometimes, even providing a light push forward. I cannot thank him enough for all the guidance, valuable comments and support during the process. I wish also to thank my supervisor Markku Oivo for promoting my writing process with valuable discussions and for advising me to concentrate on the most important activities and topics. Without the support of my supervisors, this work would not have been possible. The manuscript of this thesis was reviewed by Professor Hannu Jaakkola, of the Tampere University of Technology in Finland and Professor Sandro Morasca, of the University of Insubria in Italy. I deserve my sincere thanks for their time and effort they have spent in reviewing my research and giving their extremely constructive comments and recommendations, which have helped me to improve the quality of the thesis. I am also grateful for VTT for giving me the opportunity to work on such interesting topics and complete my thesis in research projects. Over the years, I have worked with many great people, both at VTT and in the companies participating in the projects, and I offer many thanks to you all. This thesis is based on research carried out in collaboration with several participants acting together. The results were reported in six publications by key participants and the author of this thesis. I thank all co-authors for their contributions. Without the industrial interest and involvement this research would not have been possible. I wish to give special thanks to Rob Kommeren from Philips and Jim Rotherham from Symbio for their active participation in workshops, case studies and publications as well as for their valuable comments, ideas and feedback during the research. My special thanks to my friend and workmate Dr. Päivi Parviainen for your friendship and encouragement throughout. You have helped and inspired me with discussions, innovations, and support and you have engaged my motivation to finalise this thesis. I would also like to mention Dr. Tuomo Tuikka who has encouraged me to finish this work and has allocated the time in which to do it. Furthermore, I would like to express my thanks to Tekes for funding the projects where this research has been carried out. Finally, I wish to express my sincere gratefulness to my beloved ones for their loving support, understanding encouragement through the years: My mother-inlaw, Raija, who has supported me in myriad domestic works without questions; my boys, Jorma and Henri, who have kept me in touch with reality with their tricks, delights, and love; and my husband, Vesa, who has supported me with altruistic love and patience. You have shown endless understanding of my evening and weekend working periods by unselfishly providing me the possibility to concentrate on the research. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor Degree
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Oulu
    • Seppänen, Veikko, Supervisor, External person
    Award date28 Nov 2014
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    Print ISBNs978-951-38-8177-1
    Electronic ISBNs978-951-38-8178-8
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    MoE publication typeG5 Doctoral dissertation (article)


    • measurements
    • metrics
    • global software development
    • distributed development
    • project management


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