Mechanical behavior of high-Ni/high-Mn Barsebäck 2 reactor pressure vessel welds after 28 years of operation

Sebastian Lindqvist (Corresponding Author), Alex Norrgård, Pentti Arffman, Noora Hytönen, Jari Lydman, Pål Efsing, Siddharth Suman, Pekka Nevasmaa

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To assess long-term operation of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), surveillance programs are applied for periodic monitoring and prediction of the aging of the mechanical properties due to irradiation and thermal embrittlement. In literature, there are limited data sets to compare the results from the surveillance program to the aging of the RPV. In this work, the tensile and impact toughness properties of the high-Ni, high-Mn welds from decommissioned Barsebäck 2 RPV are characterized. The results indicate that the surveillance program describes sufficiently the aging of the RPV welds. Differences in mechanical properties of the welds from various regions are explained by variations in post-weld heat treatment. The synergetic effect of Ni and Mn on embrittlement appears not to result at low fluences in a significant difference in the embrittlement rate when compared to ASTM E900 embrittlement trend curve prediction.
Original languageEnglish
Article number154447
JournalJournal of Nuclear Materials
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Embrittlement
  • High-Ni/Mn weld
  • Impact toughness
  • Mechanical properties
  • Strength
  • Surveillance
  • Transition temperature


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