The invention relates to a method and an arrangement for drying a fiber web, whereby the fiber web (5) is dried between two tight bands (1, 2) moving parallelly in the same direction and turning around turning rolls (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b). The first band (1) is heated by means of a pressure chamber (9) and the second band (2) is cooled by means of a water chamber (10). The fiber web (5) is led together with at least one felt or wire (3, 4) through a drying zone formed by the bands (1, 2) in such a way that the fiber web is in contact with the surface of the heated first band (1) and the felt or wire (3, 4) is between the fiber web (5) and the cooled second band (2). The fiber web (5) is spread in its transverse direction before it is led into the drying apparatus. A desired transverse tension on the fiber web (5) and a suitable stretched structure are then provided, which can be fixed to remain in the drying apparatus.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO9842913 |
IPC | F26B 13/10 |
Priority date | 21/03/97 |
Filing date | 19/03/98 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Oct 1998 |
MoE publication type | Not Eligible |