An apparatus, includes an illuminating light source and illuminating optics arranged to illuminate a sample region with illuminating light pulses, light gathering optics to gather Raman scattered light pulses from the sample region, a spectral disperser and a detector array for measuring the spectral intensity distribution of Raman scattered light pulses obtained from the sample region and an auxiliary detector for providing an indicator signal indicative of elastic scattering coefficient of the sample region. The apparatus is arranged to form a first output spectrum from the spectral intensity distribution of a first group of Raman scattered light pulses. The pulses of the first group of Raman scattered light pulses are obtained from the sample region when the indicator signal indicates that an object is located in the sample region.
Patent family as of 16.12.2021
US10371641 BB 20190806 US20170410867 20170120
US2017234797 AA 20170817 US20170410867 20170120
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2017234797 |
IPC | G01N 21/ 65 A I |
Priority date | 21/01/16 |
Publication status | Published - 17 Aug 2017 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |