Method and Apparatus for Producing a High Bulk Web

Riku Pihko (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application


According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided an apparatus for producing high bulk fibrous web, comprising:a web forming unit (1) for producing a fibrous web,a turningroll (7) and a permeable fabric (2) for transferring the web from the web forming unit (1) supported by the permeable fabric to a turning roll (7) that provides turning of the web to a horizontal direction so that the web is placed between the permeable fabric (1) and the turning roll (7). A suction box (8) providing a partial vacuum is arranged on the opposite side of the web and the fabric in relation to the turning roll for controlling the distance between the fabric (2) and the turning roll (7) and the pressure on the web travelling between the fabric (2) and the turning roll (7).

Patent family as of 3.1.2024

Publication number Publication date Application number Application date  

FI20185538 A 20191214 FI20180005538 20180613

WO19239012 A1 20191219 WO2019FI50455 20190613

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2019239012 A1
IPCD21F 11/ 14 A I
Priority date13/06/18
Publication statusPublished - 19 Dec 2019
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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