Method and system for collaborative sensing for updating dynamic map layers

Matti Kutila (Inventor), Mikko Tarkiainen (Inventor), Pertti Peussa (Inventor), Ari Virtanen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


Systems and methods related to dynamic map layers for autonomous or semi-autonomous vehicles and allowing real-time (e.g. latency of less than one second) updates utilizing a plurality of available surrounding sensors (e.g., collaborative sensors), including roadside sensors and sensors of other nearby vehicles. When a vehicle detects an obstruction to a field of view of a sensor, the vehicle may request sensor data from other vehicles to fill the gap in sensor data of the vehicle. This allows the vehicle driver or vehicle illumination system to be focused on the obstructed area.

Patent family as of 23.3.2022
EP3453008 A1 20190313 EP20170732627 20170427
US10730512 BB 20200804 US20170095924 20170427
US2019143967 AA 20190516 US20170095924 20170427
WO17192358 A1 20171109 WO2017US29886 20170427

Link to current family on right
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS1057305512 B2
Filing date27/04/17
Publication statusPublished - 4 Aug 2020
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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