Method for collecting information on road surface slipperiness

Kari Mäkelä (Inventor), Kimmo Erkkilä (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A method for collecting information on road (1) surface slipperiness comprises collecting from a data bus (3) of a freight vehicle (2) traveling on the road operational data on the vehicle, using the operational data to determine the slip ratio s of the vehicle's driving wheel (8) and the traction force F applied to the road from the driving wheel, and determining the road surface slipperiness from the slip ratio s, the traction force F and the vehicle mass m. In accordance with the invention, the method comprises predetermining the slip ratio S0 of the driving wheel (8) on a non-slip surface as a function of the normal force N applied to the road (1) from the driving wheel and depending on the vehicle mass m, and of the traction force F; determining the slip ratio S, the normal force N1 and the traction force F1 of the driving wheel (8) during driving; determining the normalized slip ratio s' through comparison of the slip ratio S1 of the driving wheel (8) during driving with the predetermined slip ratio S0 on a non-slip surface, with the same traction force Fi and normal force N1; and determining the road (1) surface slipperiness from the normalized slip ratio s'.

Patent family as of 1.9.2021
DE602007056184 D1 20181011 DE200760056184T 20070411 
EP2005140 A1 20081224 EP20070730562 20070411
EP2005140 A4 20150603 EP20070730562 20070411
EP2005140 B1 20180919 EP20070730562 20070411
FI120061 B 20090615 FI20060000351 20060411
FI20060351 A 20071012 FI20060000351 20060411
FI20060351 A0 20060411 FI20060000351 20060411
NO20084582 L 20081103 NO20080004582 20081103
NO342448 B1 20180522 NO20080004582 20081103
WO07116123 A1 20071018 WO2007FI00093 20070411

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Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP2005140
IPCB60W 50/ 00 A N
Priority date11/04/07
Publication statusPublished - 24 Dec 2008
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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