Method for controlling a terminal display and a terminal

Jari Paloniemi (Inventor), Sami Ronkainen (Inventor), Tatu Kauppinen (Inventor), Miika Silfverberg (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A terminal includes a display and a user interface. The terminal also includes means for providing the terminal display with at least one virtual display, a display portion or an object, and means for moving at least the virtual display, the display portion or the object on the display using the motion of the terminal or the motion and/or location of an object proportioned to the terminal.

Patent family as of 17.9.2021

EP1216730 A2 20020626 EP20010000775 20011220
EP1216730 A3 20051130 EP20010000775 20011220
FI20002841 A 20020623 FI2000000284120001222
FI20002841 A0 20001222 FI20000002841 20001222
US2002082079 AA 20020627 US20010029904 20011221
US6939231 BB 20050906 US20010029904 20011221

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS 6939231 B2
IPCA63F 13/10
Priority date22/12/00
Publication statusPublished - 6 Sept 2005
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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