Method for embedding components during additive manufacturing of metal parts

Joni Reijonen (Inventor), Tuomas Pinomaa (Inventor), Alejandro Revuelta (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


Method for embedding components during additive manufacturing of metal parts, wherein the product (1) is formed with laser powder bed fusion process, at least one space (3) for a component (4) is formed inside the metal material of the product during the additive manufacturing process, the additive manufacturing process is interrupted before the said space is closed, the component is inserted in the said open space, and the additive manufacturing process for manufacturing the product is continued, wherein at least one cooling channel (5), for cooling the area of the product (1) wherein the said space (3) is located, is formed inside the product to be manufactured before the additive manufacturing process is interrupted for insertion of the said component (4), and cooling fluid in conveyed in the at least one cooling channel.

Patent family as of27.12.2021

FI129052 B 20210615 FI20200005656 20200623      FI20205656 A 20210615 FI20200005656 20200623

Link to current patent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberFI20205656
IPCB33Y 80/ 00 A I
Priority date23/06/20
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2021
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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