Method for forming a cavity structure on soi substrate and cavity structure formed on soi substrate

Jyrki Kiihamaeki (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    The present publication discloses a method for forming cavities in prefabricated silicon wafers comprising a first silicon layer ( 1 ), a second monocrystalline silicon layer, or a so-called structural layer ( 3 ), oriented substantially parallel with said first silicon layer ( 1 ) and an insulating layer ( 2 ) situated between said first and second layers ( 1, 3 ). According to the method, in at least one of the conducting silicon layers ( 1, 3 ) are fabricated windows ( 4 ) extending through the thickness of the layer, and cavities are etched in the insulating layer ( 2 ) by means of etchants passed to the layer via said fabricated windows ( 4 ). According to the invention, subsequent to the fabrication step of the windows ( 4 ) and prior to the etching step, a thin porous layer ( 5 ) is formed on the surface to be processed such that the etchants can be passed through said porous layer into said cavities ( 6 ) being etched and, after the cavities ( 6 ) are etched ready, at least one supplementary layer ( 7 ) is deposited in order to render to the material of said porous layer impermeable to gases

    Patent family as of 26.8.2021
    CN1288724 C 20061206 CN20028019431 20020927
    CN1561539 A 20050105 CN20028019431 20020927
    DE60245733 D1 20140102 DE20026045733 20020927
    EP1433199 A1 20040630 EP20020764899 2002092
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    FI114755 B 20041215 FI20010001922 20011001
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    HK1072497 B 20070518 HK20050105143 20050621
    JP2005504644 T2 20050217 JP20030533331T 20020927
    KR100889115 B1 20090316 KR20047004728 20020927
    KR20040037218 A 20040504 KR20047004728 20020927
    US6930366 BB 20050816 US20020491193 20020927
    US2004248376 AA 20041209 US20040491193 20040331
    WO03030234 A1 20030410 WO2002FI00772 2002092

    Link to current patent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP1433199
    IPCH01L 27/ 12 A I
    Priority date27/09/02
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2004
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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