With different nanoparticles, new properties are generated in coatings. Using the nanoparticles, it is possible to improve the resistance of products to wear and scratching, the UV resistance, the conductivity and other properties. However, it is difficult to evenly distribute the nanoparticles in the composition of paint or varnish, and, as a result, the desired properties are not always achieved, or the nanoparticles must be added in amounts that are economically unprofitable to achieve the desired properties. In the present invention, the nanoparticles are first added by mechanical mixing into a cellulose gel, which is fibrillated partly into nanofibrils, which aqueous gel is then added into the composition of paint or varnish. Due to this nanofibrillated cellulose carrier, the particles remain evenly distributed throughout the coating materials and other similar materials, such as the binder of the paint or varnish, for a sufficient period of time for the coating process.
Original language | English |
Patent number | FI123869 B |
IPC | C09D 7/12,B82Y 30/00 |
Priority date | 7/04/10 |
Filing date | 7/04/10 |
Publication status | Published - 8 Oct 2011 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |