Method of producing furan carboxylates from aldaric acids by using solid heterogeneous catalyst

Martta Asikainen (Inventor), David Thomas (Inventor), Ali Harlin (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of producing furan carboxylates from aldaric acids in the presence of a solid heterogeneous catalyst and a solvent with short reaction time. The feedstock for the production is a stable compound, which allows industrial scaling of the process. Solid acid catalyst and sustainable solvent provide considerable reduction of toxic waste compared to traditional methods, and recyclability.

    Patent family as of 8.12.2021
    DE602016059156 D1 20210701 DE201660059156T 20160418      
    EP3283471 A1 20180221 EP20160779667 20160418      
    EP3283471 A4 20181010 EP20160779667 20160418      
    EP3283471 B1 20210609 EP20160779667 20160418      
    FI126387 B 20161115 FI20150005285 20150417      
    FI20155285 A 20161018 FI20150005285 20150417      
    US10301276 BB 20190528 US20160566759 20160418      
    US2018086728 AA 20180329 US20160566759 20160418      
    WO16166421 A1 20161020 WO2016FI50254 20160418

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberEP3283471
    IPCC08G 63/ 16 A I
    Priority date18/04/16
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2018
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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