Method of univalent and one-to-one association on the basis of the propagation channel (AU_CP) between a first user A and a second user B each furnished with one or more transmission emitters/receivers (NA in number and denoted A1... ANA for the user A, NB in number and denoted B1... BNB for the user B), the said association, carried out without previously known or shared key, being secure in relation to any unauthorized third party E (likewise furnished with receivers and if appropriate with emitters) even before the establishment of the transmission protocol between the users A and B, with the aid of prior transmissions of interrogation signals and of acknowledgement signals and with the aid of measurements of the propagation channels between the emitters receivers of A and those of B by virtue of these interrogation and acknowledgement signals, the said association being intended to subsequently facilitate the establishment of a transmission, protected in relation to E, between the users A and B as well as the identification of A by B and of B by A, the checking of confidentiality and the checking of integrity of the messages exchanged by A and B.
Patent family as of 16.12.2021
DE602016032706 D1 20200416 DE201660032706T 20161229
EP3398307 A1 20181107 EP20160831621 20161229
EP3398307 B1 20200325 EP20160831621 20161229
ES2802400 T3 20210119 ES20160831621T 20161229
FR3046310 A1 20170630 FR20150002713 20151229
FR3046310 B1 20180105 FR20150002713 20151229
WO17114915 A1 20170706 WO2016EP82867 20161229
Patent family as of 16.12.2021
DE602016032706 D1 20200416 DE201660032706T 20161229
EP3398307 A1 20181107 EP20160831621 20161229
EP3398307 B1 20200325 EP20160831621 20161229
ES2802400 T3 20210119 ES20160831621T 20161229
FR3046310 A1 20170630 FR20150002713 20151229
FR3046310 B1 20180105 FR20150002713 20151229
WO17114915 A1 20170706 WO2016EP82867 20161229
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | FR3046310 B1 |
IPC | H04W12/04 |
Priority date | 29/12/15 |
Publication status | Published - 30 Jun 2017 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |