Microbiological and sensory quality changes in blood pancakes and cooked ring sausage during storage

Hannu Korkeala, Seppo Lindroth, Meri Suihko, A. Kuhmonen, Pirjo-Liisa Penttilä

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19 Citations (Scopus)


The microbiological and sensory quality of blood pancakes and vacuum-packed cooked ring sausages were studied one day after production, on the sell-by date and one week after the sell-by date. Samples were taken straight from 5 manufacturing plants, stored at 4°C and analyzed by 3 different laboratories using similar methods. Blood pancakes contained high numbers of aerobic organisms and yeasts. The principal sensory defects were visible mould spots, rancid odour and musty taste. A correlation between taste and microbiological counts was observed. Bacillus cereus was observed in some samples and may constitute a potential health hazard when temperature abuse occurs. Cooked ring sausages showed good microbiological and sensory quality after production. Aerobic plate counts and lactobacilli numbers increased during storage. The main defects in sensory analysis were fermented, sour aroma and taste. No correlation between taste and microbiological counts could be determined. The store shelf-lives (sell-by periods) of blood pancakes and cooked ring sausages set by the manufacturers, 7–11 and 20–28 days, respectively, can be considered overly optimistic. Differences between laboratories were observed in the sensory analyses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)279-292
JournalInternational Journal of Food Microbiology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1985
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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