Microfibril angles of softwood and hardwood pulp fibres

Sabine Heinemann, Elias Retulainen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference PosterScientific


    The general relationship between the stress-strain behaviour and MFA of fibres is a well-known fact but little is known about variations within a single fibre or the effect of refining. Therefore, a simple method to determine MFA of selected single fibres is required. Polarimetry with a transmitted light microscope was applied on earlywood, latewood, and compression wood fibres from Norway spruce and Scots pine. Both reference pulps and refined pulps were considered. Hardwood fibres from eucalyptus pulp that have not yet been investigated to a larger extent were also measured. The MFA is determined from the light intensity peak of fibres between crossed Nichols that are turned gradually within the specimen plane, perpendicularly to the light beam, by 180° (Fig. 1). For intensity evaluation, the ZEN software by Zeiss was used providing very small measuring spots. Thus, fibre wall parts of special interest, e.g. areas close to damages, could be investigated.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventCOST Action FP1105 Understanding wood cell wall structure, biopolymer interaction and composition: Implications for current products and new material innovation - Coimbra, Portugal
    Duration: 8 May 20149 May 2014


    WorkshopCOST Action FP1105 Understanding wood cell wall structure, biopolymer interaction and composition


    • pulp fibres
    • microfibril angle
    • MFA
    • measurement


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