Mobile health across borders: joint pre-commercial procurement action by DECIPHER PCP project

Jaakko Lähteenmäki, Suzan Ikävalko, Anna Sachinopoulou, Juha Leppänen, Rossana Alessandrello

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceOther conference contributionScientific


    Mobile applications have proven to be useful tools in supporting self-care and health maintenance. Cross-border health is an important, but not yet well explored application area for them. Patients with chronic conditions need to manage their disease while abroad and any traveller may need support in the case of acute sickness. In such cases, a mobile app may be helpful by providing specifically targeted health-related content and the possibility to store and display personal health data. Most benefits could be achieved by an interoperable mobile service, which is able to mediate accurate personal health information for the care personnel in the context of a care episode abroad. The DECIPHER PCP project (, co-funded by the FP7 programme of the European Commission, aims to develop such service through a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) action participated by public procurers: TicSalut (Spain), ESTAV Centro/ESTAR (Italy) and TRUSTECH (United Kingdom). The project is led by AQuAS (Spain). ANCI Innovazione (Italy) and BDIGITAL (Spain) are supporting the procurers, e.g. in evaluating the PCP process and its outcomes. VTT supports the activity with respect to Personal Health Records and related architectures as well as dissemination with NHG as subcontractor.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventXX Kansallinen telelääketieteen ja eHealth-seminaari - Espoo, Finland
    Duration: 9 Apr 201510 Apr 2015
    Conference number: XX (Seminar program)


    SeminarXX Kansallinen telelääketieteen ja eHealth-seminaari
    Internet address


    • mHealth
    • pre-commercial procurement


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