title = "Mobile Solutions and the Construction Industry. Is it a working combination?: Master's thesis",
abstract = "Since mobile technology, foremost mobile phones have become part of our everyday life it is just a question of time before this technology will also be used as a helptool in our work. Naturally we already use our mobile phones for communication, but mobile devices could also be used for sertain worktasks, e.g. confirmation, information and monitoring. This work studies the possibilities and the economical aspects of implementing mobile devices into the construction industry. To do this, we first need information about the current situation and what kind of devices and applications are needed and in which situations they would be used. After these aspects are studied it is essential to asses the negative and positive impacts that the introduction of mobile technology would bring to the construction industry. This above mentioned research has been conducted through interviews, document analysis, and to some extent, observations. In this study it became apparent from both interviews and other material that mobile devices could be used in the construction industry, and the trialed mobile application pilots were considered succesfull. Currently however, very few companies have implemented mobile applications into their daily routines. Mobile phones were preffered over other mobile devices, since they are familiar objects, so it was easy to start to use them even for other tasks than just communication. Early on it though became apparent that not all benefits from the usage of mobile applications can be measured in monetary values. Many of the benefits were considered to be of qualitative value rather than quantitative value.",
keywords = "construction industry, telecommunication, mobile telecommunication, mobile phones, information systems, wireless networks, mobile devices, construction sites, future solutions",
author = "Sonja Leskinen",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
isbn = "951-38-6867-2",
series = "VTT Publications",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "617",
address = "Finland",