title = "Modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport in soils",
abstract = "Road accidents, fertilization, and chemical spills, etc. may pollute the soil and groundwater. Contaminants can move along the ground surface, dissolve into rainwater and infiltrate the unsaturated soil zone or be transported to the lakes or rivers, and finally reach the saturated groundwater zone. While propagating through the soil column, they are exposed to various physical, chemical and biological processes which may affect the fate of the substances. Transport and flow models provide a tool for risk assessment and fate analysis, as well as for designing remediation and protection measures. The modeling process usually requires simplification and idealization of the problem consideration as well as the soil conditions prevailing on the site. Data collection is an essential, but laborious part of the modeling procedure. The accuracy of the modeling results depend on the accuracy of input paramater data. Nowadays, numerous modeling software is available for flow and transport modeling. The selection of a suitable model for a specific problem is not an task. User-friendly, interactive, constantly maintained and upgraded public domain software which has regulatory acceptance would be an obvious choice. The development of computer resources has made it possible to use 3-dimensional models which offer a good selection of visualization tools.",
keywords = "models, simulation, mathematical models, ground water, water resources, flow, contaminants, transportation, transportation models, soils",
author = "Riitta Molarius and Jouni Sarkkila and Minna Lepp{\"a}nen and Kim Dahlbo",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
isbn = "951-38-4881-7",
series = "VTT Tiedotteita - Meddelanden - Research Notes",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "1726",
address = "Finland",