Monitoring and administration system for resources-constrained distributed smart platforms: Master's thesis

Ilkka Mätäsaho

Research output: ThesisMaster's thesis


This work presents the design and implementation of a monitoring and administration system for distributed platforms that execute smart applications in a sensor-actuator network. The implemented monitoring and administration system provides information about the applications and the nodes of the network so that they can be monitored and controlled from an administration tool. The tool itself is not presented in this work. The presented monitoring and administration solution was implemented as a part of a distributed middleware that supports application development in heterogeneous environments consisting of various numbers and types of nodes. To support the design, the general requirements of monitoring and administration in wireless distributed systems were studied. The implemented monitoring and administration system enables gathering the monitoring information and performing the control through any node of the target network. Thus the system is applicable to heterogeneous platforms, without the foreknowledge of the nodes. The results of the testing and evaluation proved that the information can be gathered from the target system and the desired control actions can be performed as designed. The implementation is not, however, scalable enough for big applications and numerous nodes.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster Degree
Awarding Institution
  • University of Oulu
Place of PublicationOulu
Publication statusPublished - 2010
MoE publication typeG2 Master's thesis, polytechnic Master's thesis


  • Wireless distributed systems
  • smart environments
  • heterogeneous platforms


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