NanoElectronics roadmap for Europe: From nanodevices and innovative materials to system integration

Jouni Ahopelto, Gustavo Ardila, Livio Baldi, Francis Balestra, Didier Belot, Gíorgos Fagas, Stefan De Gendt, Danilo Demarchi, Montserrat Fernandez-Bolaños, David Holden, Adrian Mihai Ionescu, Gaudenzio Meneghesso, Anda Mocuta, Markus Pfeffer, Ralf Popp (Corresponding Author), Enrico C. Sangiorgi, Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    22 Citations (Scopus)


    The NEREID project (“NanoElectronics Roadmap for Europe: Identification and Dissemination”) is dedicated to mapping the future of European Nanoelectronics. NEREID's objective is to develop a medium and long term roadmap for the European nanoelectronics industry, starting from the needs of applications to address societal challenges and leveraging the strengths of the European eco-system. The roadmap will also identify promising novel nanoelectronic technologies, based on the advanced concepts developed by Research Centres and Universities, as well as identification of potential bottlenecks along the innovation (value) chain. Industry applications include Energy, Automotive, Medical/Life Science, Security, loT, Mobile Convergence and Digital Manufacturing. The NEREID roadmap covers Advanced Logic and Connectivity, Functional Diversification (Smart Sensors, Smart Energy and Energy for Autonomous Systems), Beyond-CMOS, Heterogeneous Integration and System Design as well as Equipment, Materials and Manufacturing Science. This article gives an overview of the roadmap's structure and content.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)7-19
    JournalSolid-State Electronics
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2019
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    The authors are grateful to all of the participants of the three NEREID General and all Domain Workshops as well as to all project partners. This is because these experts gave their views and time and shared their experience on applications and/or technologies which has been included/considered in the NEREID roadmap, where they are mentioned. However, the responsibility for the content of this paper rests with the authors. Thanks are extended to the support of the EU, which has been funded the NEREID project as a Cooperation and Support action for three years from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 685559.


    • Beyond CMOS
    • Design-technology gap
    • Equipments and manufacturing
    • Heterogeneous integration
    • More Moore
    • More than Moore
    • Nanoelectronics
    • Novel materials
    • Roadmap
    • System design
    • OtaNano


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