NDT Evaluation of Xk046 - Xk048 and Xk051- Xk053 EB Welds

Aarne Lipponen, Matti Sarkimo, Stefan Sandlin, Tommi Saastamoinen, Jorma Pitkänen

Research output: Book/ReportReport


Two non-de­struc­tive meth­ods were ap­plied to ex­am­ine the qual­ity of ex­per­i­men­tal test welds of dis­posal can­is­ters. Al­to­gether six welds were scanned and data ac­quired with ul­tra­sonic and ra­di­ographic meth­ods. The ul­tra­sonic method utilised a 128 el­e­ments lin­ear phased ar­ray probe that was ap­plied with 0° and ± 20° beam an­gles. The ra­di­ographic method ap­plied a 9MeV lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor and a dig­i­tal de­tec­tor with pixel size of 0.4 x 0.4 mm.

The data was analysed ap­ply­ing the cur­rent pro­ce­dures de­vel­oped for the clo­sure weld in­spec­tions. A sig­nif­i­cant amount of de­fect in­di­ca­tions were analysed and sized. The re­sults are pre­sented in the ta­bles of this re­port. A con­sid­er­able amount of fig­ures to show the over­all qual­ity of the welds and the place­ment of the de­fined in­di­ca­tions were printed. Also the de­tails of the nu­mer­ous in­di­ca­tions were cap­tured in fig­ures and pre­sented in the ap­pen­dixes of the re­port.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages118
Publication statusPublished - 2014
MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

Publication series

SeriesPosiva Working Report


  • welds
  • welding test
  • radiographic inspection
  • ultrasonic inspection
  • linear accelerator
  • phased arroy


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