Novel experimental results on the rheology of fibre foams

Ari Jäsberg, Pasi Selenius, Antti Koponen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference AbstractScientific


    We report here the first experimental results on the rheology of fiber-laden aqueous foams. The mea-surements were carried out in a laboratory-scale environment with a glass pipe of diameter 15 mm. Theslip velocity at the pipe wall was measured with high-speed video imaging. Plain aqueous foam was gen-erated from 8.5 mM aqueous solution of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Foam generation was realizedas a combination of tank mixing and injection of compressed air in a special inline generation block (tur-bulence generator) installed into the flow loop. Fiber-laden foam was prepared by dispersing hardwoodfibers into the SDS solution at consistency of 20 g/kg.In the measurements, an absolute slip velocity was observed that increased with the wall shear stress.On the other hand, the relative slip velocity decreased with the wall shear stress. At highest shear stressesrelative slip values of ca. 10% were observed, i.e. considerable shearing took place inside the foam. At lowwall shear stress relative slip velocities up to 40% were measured. The addition of wood fibers decreasedthe absolute slip by ca. 25% while the relative slip increased by a factor close to four.The real wall shear rate in foam was calculated with the Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch correction. Allthe studied foams could be modeled with Herschel-Bulkley law with flow behavior index n = 0.5. Theviscosity of the fiber-laden foam was ca. 100% larger than that of the plain aqueous foam at same densityand temperature. This increase in viscosity is much less than in the case of plain aqueous fiber suspension,where the viscosity increases by a factor five or more due to fibers being in continuous contact in shearing.Thus the current results imply that in aqueous foams fibers do not interact or flocculate to the same extentas in plain aqueous suspensions.By applying the methodology described here on the data measured with one pipe diameter, one can calculate real material properties that are independent of boundary effects like slip velocity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    Event10th European Conference on Foams and Applications, EUFOAM 2014 - Thessaloniki, Greece
    Duration: 7 Jul 201410 Jul 2014


    Conference10th European Conference on Foams and Applications, EUFOAM 2014


    • foam
    • fibre
    • wood fibre
    • rheology
    • viscosity
    • fiber foam
    • fiber-laden foam


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