Novel hydrophobin fusion tags for plant-produced fusion proteins

Lauri Reuter (Corresponding Author), Anneli Ritala, Markus Linder, Jussi Joensuu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    Hydrophobin fusion technology has been applied in the expression of several recombinant proteins in plants. Until now, the technology has relied exclusively on the Trichoderma reesei hydrophobin HFBI. We screened eight novel hydrophobin tags, T. reesei HFBII, HFBIII, HFBIV, HFBV, HFBVI and Fusarium verticillioides derived HYD3, HYD4 and HYD5, for production of fusion proteins in plants and purification by two-phase separation. To study the properties of the hydrophobins, we used N-terminal and C-terminal GFP as a fusion partner. Transient expression of the hydrophobin fusions in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed large variability in accumulation levels, which was also reflected in formation of protein bodies. In two-phase separations, only HFBII and HFBIV were able to concentrate GFP into the surfactant phase from a plant extract. The separation efficiency of both tags was comparable to HFBI. When the accumulation was tested side by side, HFBII-GFP gave a better yield than HFBI-GFP, while the yield of HFBIV-GFP remained lower. Thus we present here two alternatives for HFBI as functional fusion tags for plant-based protein production and first step purification.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPLoS ONE
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • hydrophobin
    • fusion protein
    • molecular pharming


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