Omnidirectional lens, optical devices utilizing the lens and method for optical measurement

Mika Aikio (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


The invention relates to an omnidirectional lens, an optical measuring device, and a method for optical measurement. The lens comprises a central portion, collecting optically in a first direction, and an edge portion, which surrounds the central portion, and which is arranged to guide the light arriving at the edge portion omnidirectionally relative to the said first direction essentially transversely relative to the said first direction. According to the invention, the edge portion is arranged to guide the light through the central portion. With the aid of the invention, it is possible to create, for example, a simpler laser radar.

Patent family as of 16.9.2021
EP2526452 A1 20121128 EP20110734413 20110121      
EP2526452 A4 20130821 EP20110734413 20110121      
FI20105058 A0 20100122 FI20100005058 20100122      
US2013010279 AA 20130110 US20110574475 20110121      
US9195038 BB 20151124 US20110574475 20110121      
WO11089320 A1 20110728 WO2011FI50045 20110121

Link to current patent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2013010279
IPCG02B 17/ 00
Priority date21/01/11
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jan 2013
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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