On the use of real head recordings in product sound design

Antti Järvinen, Panu Maijala

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


The binaural recording technique has been available for a long time. It has been used succesfully for recording material for sound quality analysis and listening tests. The most important reason for the success of the technique is that it offers superior spatial performance compared to other recording techniques, especially if headphone playback is used [1]. Traditionally an artificial head has been used for binaural recording. It is also possible to make binaural recordings using a human subject fitted with microphones in the ears. In this paper this technique will be called the real head recording. Recently it has been shown [2] that the quality of real head recordings made using a randomly selected subject is at least as good as artificial head recordings. We will present our experiences in binaural recording made using artificial and real heads. Special attention is paid to the practical aspects of the binaural recording technique for product sound design.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings Inter-noise 97
Subtitle of host publicationThe 1997 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering
EditorsFülöp Aususztinovicz
Place of PublicationBudapest
Publication statusPublished - 1997
MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
EventInter-noise 1997: The 1997 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 25 Aug 199727 Aug 1997


ConferenceInter-noise 1997


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