Optimisation of Multimedia over wireless IP links via X layer design

Catherine Lamy-Bergot, Maria Martini, Gábor Feher, Marco Chiani, Lajos Hanzo, Gianmarco Panza, Janne Vehkaperä, Peter Amon, Pierre Hammes, Gábor Jeney

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Following the path opened by FP6 IST PHOENIX project which was shown allowing an optimised allocation of resources for multimedia transmission over wired/wireless links in a joint source-channel coding approach for unicast transmissions, OPTIMIX project proposes to study innovative solutions enabling enhanced video streaming in a point to multi-point context for an IP based wireless heterogeneous system, based on cross layer adaptation of the whole transmission chain. Expected applications for such improvements are numerous in a time where users demand to have at their disposal on the move the same services they are already experiencing since a few years at home or in their offices. Typically, visiophony, video on demand on the move, access to streaming Internet websites, access to mobile personal television, location based services for educational, health, transport and environment purposes, virtual meetings or security professional applications are envisioned applications for the European end-user.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings MobiMedia 2008
    EditorsJyrki Huusko, Tapio Fräntti
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    Event4th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference - Oulu, Finland
    Duration: 7 Jul 20089 Jul 2008
    Conference number: 4


    Conference4th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference


    • end-to-end optimisation
    • joint source channel coding and decoding
    • multimedia transmission
    • point to multi-point video delivery
    • cross–layer design
    • IPv6 mobility
    • adaptive medium access control
    • QoS


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