Participation design of the final product or production by exploiting multi-site and -user virtual environments

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    This paper describes how exploit participation design of the final product or production together wth multi-site and -user virtual environments already in early phase of design process. In this paper is presented proof of concept of Multi-site and -user VE which has been tested with six companies and 50 persons. This paper shows the potential of the use of Multi-site and -user VE and when enhancing the stakeholders' experience.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    EventTechnological innovation and organisational changes: the potential impacts on prevention, INRS 2017 - Nancy, France
    Duration: 29 Mar 201730 Mar 2017


    ConferenceTechnological innovation and organisational changes: the potential impacts on prevention, INRS 2017
    Abbreviated titleINRS 2017


    • multi-site VR
    • particepatory design
    • mobile VR


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