
Eleonora Papadimitriou, Athanasios Theofilatos, George Yannis, Gerald Furian, Christian Brandstätter, Virpi Britschgi, Emil Drápela, Richard Freeman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleProfessional


Pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of transport networks due to lack of protection and also due to particular characteristics and behaviour affecting the nature of their interaction with motorized traffic. The knowledge of pedestrian attitudes, perceptions and behaviour may thus assist policy makers in the better understanding of pedestrian behaviour issues and safety needs and eventually in the planning and implementation of measures to improve pedestrian safety. In the SARTRE 4 survey, the attitudes and behaviour of a large sample of pedestrians are examined at European level for the first time.The selection of pedestrians was carried out according to the following criteria: pedestrians were selected as those respondents who reported that their most frequent transport mode in the last 12 months was neither passenger car nor motorcycle and who reported non-zero daily walking distance travelled.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuropean road users’ risk perception and mobility. The SARTRE4 survey
Publication statusPublished - 2012
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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