Performance of novel carbonate-based CO2 post-combustion capture process

Tuula Kajolinna*, Kristian Melin, Onni Linjala, Johannes Roine

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    2 Citations (Scopus)
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    A novel carbonate-based CO2 capture process was developed at VTT, and proof-of-concept was tested using a bench scale device. The process has closed-loop, carbonate liquid, and the captured CO2 is released at under-pressure. The temperature is around 65°C, which enables, for example, utilisation of waste heat streams in process integrations. The process performance and its parameters were tested using 8 w-% sodium carbonate liquid with simulated gases, real flue gases and biogas. Also, the absorption mass transfer kinetics and suitable flow parameters of the invented microbubble generator were assessed. The device has successfully and continuously run for tens of hours, and the typical CO2 capture rate between 72 and 84 % were performed at the liquid pH value of 9.3, using a near-atmospheric pressure process. Mass transfer rates kLa for carbonate liquid and air were between 0.14 and 0.34 s−1, which indicates efficient gas absorption, enabling size reduction of the device size.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number104173
    JournalInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2024
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    Test bench and tests with simulated biogas were made in the jointly funded BioMet2020 project with the main funding from Business Finland, funding decision number 8934/31/2017. Field tests with real flue gas and real biogas were performed in the jointly funded BECCU project, with the main funding from Business Finland, funding decision number 3834/31/2019. Mass transfer rate tests with simulated gases were performed in the jointly funded E-Fuel project, with the main funding from Business Finland, funding decision number 43287/31/2020.


    • Absorption rate
    • Carbon capture
    • CO capture
    • Mass transfer rate
    • Post-capture
    • Soda


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