Pilot scale investigation of the importance of the barley husk for mash filtration

Evan Evans, Arvi Vilpola, D.C. Stewart, Katharina Stenholm, Saara Pöyri, J.M. Washington, A.R. Barr, Silja Home

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The importance of the barley husk for mash filter performance (MFP) was investigated with pilot scale Meura 2001 mash filter using grist formulations containing 0, 20, 50 and 100 % of natural malt husk content. The malt material for the grist formulations were obtained by stone dehusking high quality well modified malt into "husk" and "endosperm" fractions. These trials demonstrated that husk particles in the hammer milled grist used for mash filtration act as filter aids to improve MFP. Husk removal increased brewhouse yield by 6.7%. While no difficulties were encountered in pilot mash filter operation, a decrease was observed in MFP with reducing grist husk content. This was in contrast to a previous trial where poorly modified hulless barley malt was observed to have very poor MFP (Evans et al., MBAA Tech. Quart. 35:189-195, 1998). In addition, we previously observed that a positive correlation between filtration time and sparge Pt number was uncoupled at low grist husk contents, suggesting that husk particles may have more than one role in influencing MFP. We suggest that well modified hulless malt will have adequate MFP and would have some distinct advantages in commercial scale brewing.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)375-382
JournalMBAA Technical Quarterly
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1999
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • silica gel


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