Pluggable 3D stereographics

Markus Ylikerälä, Hannu Kuukkanen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleProfessional


    3D stereographic denotes three dimensional (3D) images that are constructed with two dimensional (2D) images from slightly different view points. In general, 3D stereographic is produced with computers. Thus the third dimension is often denoted as depth in addition to the two previous dimensions denoted as width and height. Indeed the depth vision of human is based on our natural ability to see the world with both eyes, thus resulting two slightly different views, which the brain combine and we sense all the three dimensions. In Figure 1, an example of this phenomenon is illustrated. Finally, 3D graphics is often understood to mean images similar to photos we are familiar with. But for real, 3D stereographic is an image similar to what you actually see with your own eyes, although, the third dimension is an illusion created by our brain. So actually, you see the objects floating in the air but you cannot actually touch them. Several years ago film makers invested a lot of money to produce stereographic movies by several viewing technologies (Lipton 2001). These movies were watched, for example, with spectacles of different colour lenses. Thus, the film making and viewing with analogue technology was expensive and could not bring back the money invested. But the progress of film industry towards the aid of computer technology has made utilising of stereographic with movies once again appealing. This progress is in general trivial with movies containing only computer graphics but can also be utilised with shooted movies with live actors. Today we can buy the Shrek 3D (Copyright: DreamWorks Pictures and Pacific Data Images) video produced by the anaglyphic technology. The producers of Shrek have added some scenes to support the stereo effect especially.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationArticles on experiences 4
    Subtitle of host publicationDigital media & games
    EditorsMika Kylänen
    Place of PublicationRovaniemi
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    MoE publication typeD2 Article in professional manuals or guides or professional information systems or text book material


    • 3D graphics
    • 3D stereo graphics
    • stereographic technologies
    • anaglyphic
    • StereoGames


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