Polarisation of valence and non-strange sea quarks in the nucleon from semi-inclusive spin asymmetries

B. Adeva, E. Arik, A. Arvidson, B. Badelek, M. K. Ballintijn, G. Bardin, G. Baum, P. Berglund, L. Betev, I. G. Bird, R. Birsa, P. Björkholm, B. E. Bonner, N. de Botton, F. Bradamante, A. Bressan, S. Bültmann, E. Burtin, C. Cavata, D. CrabbJ. Cranshaw, T. Çuhadar, S. Dalla Torre, R. van Dantzig, A. Deshpande, S. Dhawan, C. Dulya, A. Dyring, S. Eichblatt, J. C. Faivre, D. Fasching, F. Feinstein, C. Fernandez, B. Frois, J. A. Garzon, T. Gaussiran, M. Giorgi, E. von Goeler, A. Gomez, G. Gracia, N. de Groot, M. Grosse Perdekamp, E. Gülmez, D. von Harrach, T. Hasegawa, P. Hautle, N. Hayashi, C. A. Heusch, N. Horikawa, V. W. Hughes, G. Igo, S. Ishimoto, T. Iwata, E. M. Kabuß, T. Kageya, A. Karev, H. J. Kessler, T. J. Ketel, A. Kishi, Y. Kisselev, L. Klostermann, D. Kramer, V. Krivokhijine, W. Kröger, J. Kyynäräinen, M. Lamanna, U. Landgraf, T. Layda, J. M. Le Goff, F. Lehar, A. de Lesquen, J. Lichtenstadt, M. Litmaath, S. Lopez-Ponte, M. Lowe, A. Magnon, G. K. Mallot, F. Marie, A. Martin, J. Martino, T. Matsuda, B. Mayes, J. S. McCarthy, K. Medved, G. van Middelkoop, D. Miller, K. Mori, J. Moromisato, A. Nagaitsev, J. Nassalski, L. Naumann, T. O. Niinikoski, J. E.J. Oberski, A. Ogawa, C. Ozben, A. Penzo, C. Perez, F. Perrot-Kunne, D. Peshekhonov, R. Piegaia

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115 Citations (Scopus)


We present a measurement of semi-inclusive spin asymmetries for positively and negatively charged hadrons from deep inelastic scattering of polarised muons on polarised protons and deuterons in the range 0.003 <x <0.7. From these asymmetries and the previously published inclusive spin asymmetries we determine, for the first time, the x-dependent spin distributions for up and down valence quarks and for non-strange sea quarks. We find that the first moments of the valence quark spin distributions are Δuv = 1.01 ± 0.19 ± 0.14 and Δdv = -0.57 ± 0.22 ± 0.11. The spin distribution function of non-strange sea quarks is consistent with zero over the measured range of x and the first moment is Δū = Δd̄ = -0.02 ± 0.09 ± 0.03.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)93-100
Number of pages8
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 1996
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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