Polymers derived from isolated hydroxy acids obtained from hardwood and softwood black liquor

Minni Pirttimaa

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference PosterScientific


Black liquor is formed as a side product of the pulping industry, and typically it is used as a source of energy for the mill. Black liquor contains a significant amount of carboxylic acids, which have low heat values. Therefore, the carboxylic acids may be separated from black liquor and valorized in a number of biopolymer applications. In this study, several black liquor fractions were polymerized and the obtained polymers were characterized. The fractions were, for the first time, successfully polymerized. Polymers with Tg -1-49 °C and Mw 750-2400 g/mol were obtained. The best results (Tg 49 °C, Mw 2400 g/mol) were obtained using fraction, which had the most even OH/COOH ratio. Potential applications for the polymeric materials obtained from black liquor are foreseen to be, hotmelt adhesives, plastizicer and thermosets or functional materials after further modification of OH-groups.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
Event2013 Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium - Stockholm, Sweden
Duration: 24 Sept 201324 Sept 2013


Conference2013 Marcus Wallenberg Prize Symposium


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