The invention relates to a method for determining a context of a portable electronic device, and to a portable electronic device. The portable electronic device comprises a user interface, a context, means for maintaining local context information of the first device, a short-range radio transceiver, means for receiving context information transmitted by a second portable electronic device belonging to a dynamic adhoc network determined by the coverage area of the short-range radio transceiver, and means for determining a confidence level of the context of the first device by using the local context information of the first device and the received context information of the adhoc network.
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2004002948 AA |
IPC | H04M 3/ 42 A I |
Priority date | 4/03/02 |
Filing date | 3/11/03 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Jan 2004 |
MoE publication type | Not Eligible |