Process for the production of microfibrillated cellulose and produced microfibrillated cellulose

Isto Heiskanen (Inventor), Kaj Backfolk (Inventor), Marianna Vehviläinen (Inventor), Taina Kamppuri (Inventor), Pertti Nousiainen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A process for producing microfibrillated cellulose comprises providing a slurry comprising cellulosic fibers, treating the slurry with an enzyme, mechanically treating the slurry so that the fibers are disintegrated wherein the mechanical treatment and the treatment with the enzyme is performed simultaneously in a single treatment step. In this way it is possible to produce microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) in an improved and energy efficient way. A microfibrillated cellulose is produced according to the process.
Patent family as of 4.4.2022
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Link to current patent family on right
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP2452014 B1
IPCD21H 11/20
Filing date23/06/10
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2016
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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