Production and characterization of novel Anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins in plant-based systems: Nicotiana benthamiana & tobacco BY-2 cell suspension

Noemi Gutierrez-Valdes, Francesc Cunyat, Juliette Balieu, Marie-Laure Walet-Balieu, Matthew j. Paul, Jonas De groot, Amaya Blanco-Perera, Jorge Carrillo, Patrice Lerouge, Mariëlle Jansma-Van Seters, Jussi j. Joensuu, Muriel Bardor, Julian Ma, Julià Blanco, Anneli Ritala (Corresponding Author)

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Multifunctional anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins aim to tackle HIV efficiently through multiple modes of action. Although results have been promising, these recombinant proteins are hard to produce. This study explored the production and characterization of anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins in plant-based systems, specifically Nicotiana benthamiana plants and tobacco BY-2 cell suspension. Fc-fusion protein expression in plants was optimized by incorporating codon optimization, ER retention signals, and hydrophobin fusion elements. Successful transient protein expression was achieved in N. benthamiana, with notable improvements in expression levels achieved through N-terminal hydrophobin fusion and ER retention signals. Stable expression in tobacco BY-2 resulted in varying accumulation levels being at highest DW. The inclusion of hydrophobin significantly enhanced accumulation, providing potential benefits for downstream processing. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the presence of the ER retention signal and of N-glycans. Functional characterization revealed strong binding to CD64 and CD16a receptors, the latter being important for antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Interaction with HIV antigens indicated potential neutralization capabilities. In conclusion, this research highlights the potential of plant-based systems for producing functional anti-HIV Fc-fusion proteins, offering a promising avenue for the development of these novel HIV therapies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)142-154
Number of pages13
JournalNew Biotechnology
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


This research was funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, specifically through the Pharma-Factory project under grant agreement No. 774078. The authors also wish to acknowledge the valuable technical assistance provided by Jaana Rikkinen, Kaisa Rinta-Harri, and Tuuli Teikari from VTT. Furthermore, the University of Rouen Normandie's support is gratefully acknowledged. The glycoanalysis work received financial backing from the French government through the ANR agency, both under the Grand Défi Bioproduction and Biologics (ANR-21-F2II-0005) and the ANR PRCE DAGENTA project (ANR-21-CE20-0038-001).


  • BY-2 cell suspension
  • HIV
  • Hydrophobins
  • KDEL ER retention signal
  • Nicotiana benthamiana
  • Plant molecular farming
  • Plant-produced biologics glycosylation


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