Profiling and personalization: Identifying individual needs to support healthy behaviour

Anita Honka

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    Making permanent lifestyle changes towards healthier direction is not easy, since they require learning new routines to be fitted in everyday life and breaking bad habits. However, the underlying factors discouraging healthy behaviour as well as the drivers for behaviour change are different for each person. People differ in their interests, motivators, resources, and habits and the contexts they act in vary several times in a day. Hence, in order to support lifestyle changes these personal factors need to be considered, which in turn requires solutions tailored to each individual. Advanced personalization could be enabled with ICT, provided that the important behavioural and contextual factors are identified and maintained in a dynamic personal profile, i.e. Virtual Individual model.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    Event33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: EMBC 2011 - Boston, United States
    Duration: 30 Aug 20113 Sept 2011


    Conference33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


    • personal health systems
    • personalised health


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