Progress in LHCD: A tool for advanced regimes on ITER

A.A. Tuccillo, E. Barbato, Y.S. Bae, A. Becoulet, S. Bernabei, P. Bibet, G. Calabro, A. Cardinali, C. Castaldo, R. Cesario, M.H. Cho, S. Cirant, F. Crisanti, A. Ekedahl, L.-G. Eriksson, D. Farina, G. Giruzzi, M. Goniche, G. Granucci, S. IdeF. Imbeaux, Seppo Karttunen, X. Litaudon, J. Mailloux, D. Mazon, F. Mirizzi, D. Moreau, S. Nowak, W. Namkung, L. Panaccione, V. Pericoli-Ridolfini, Y. Peysson, V. Petrzilka, S. Podda, Karin Rantamäki, F. Santini, A. Saveliev, M. Schneider, C. Sozzi, T. Suzuki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

36 Citations (Scopus)


The recent success in coupling lower hybrid (LH) waves in high performance plasmas at JET together with the first demonstration on FTU of the coupling capability of the new passive active multijunction launcher removed major concerns on the possibility of using LH on ITER. LH exhibits the highest experimental current drive (CD) efficiency at low plasma temperature thus making it the natural candidate for off-axis CD on ITER where current profile control will help in maintaining burning performance on a long-time scale. We review recent LH results: long internal transport barrier obtained in JET with current profile sustained and controlled by LH acting under real time feedback together with first LH control of flat q-profile in a hybrid regime with Te ~ Ti. Minutes long fully non-inductive LH driven discharges on Tore Supra (TS). High CD efficiency with electron cyclotron in synergy with LH obtained in FTU and TS opening the possibility of interesting scenarii on ITER for MHD stabilization. Preliminary results of LH modelling for ITER are also reported. A brief overview of ITER LH system is reported together with some indication of new coming LH experiments, in particular KSTAR where CW klystrons at the foreseen ITER frequency of 5 GHz are being developed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)B363-B377
JournalPlasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Issue number12B
Publication statusPublished - 2005
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • JET
  • plasma
  • fusion energy
  • fusion reactors
  • tokamak
  • ITER
  • lower hybrid grill
  • lower hybrid waves
  • lower hybrid current drive


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