Project coordination success factors in European Union-funded research, development and innovation projects under the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes

Anna Tenhunen-Lunkka (Corresponding Author), Riitta Honkanen

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Success factors for managing European Union-funded research, development and innovation projects is rather uncharted territory and scarce publications exist, even though considering that the H2020 funding was nearly €80 billion, and Horizon Europe is €95,5 billion. Managing these types of projects has been referred to as ‘managing the unmanageable’, which indicates importance of our study. The aim of this study was to gather input via survey from both project coordinators and partners by assessing factors in five categories of good practices, skills, characteristics and tools of project management, and coordination for successful project implementation. A total of 118 persons replied to the survey who have experience from Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe funded project(s). Over 80 factors were assessed and rated by the participants. Via standard statistical analysis, a top three lists were created for the different categories from both project partners and coordinators perspectives. A combination of 15 top success factors was formed. Furthermore, to emphasise the practicality of the results, an overarching framework was formed where we propose three prioritised key success factors that research, development, and innovation project management of should focus on. The three key success factors are communication, trust, and collaboration. Communication and trust are further traced down to the coordinator and consortium levels. Active communication and good listening skills are key. Mutual trust is built through high motivation, competence, and active approach to dedicated project activities and roles. Efficient collaboration is reached by nourishing inclusivity and culture, creating a productive environment, and good administrative practices.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7
JournalJournal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


Collaborative RDI projects funded by the EU are multicultural and multinational by nature. As there is a need for wide range of expertise from different and various European countries and numerous requirements related to excellence and impact of the project, they are also multidisciplinary and operate in a multistakeholder environment. These types of RDI projects are complex by default as they aim to co-develop novel technologies and solutions, which is characterised by high uncertainties. The layer of cross-cultural working environment sets additional challenges for project coordinators and leaders in this already ambitious and multidimensional setup. The European Union (EU) boosts research and innovation at European level and in EU member states for example by using various funding instruments. This study was targeted at participants in collaborative RDI projects that receive funding from 8th Framework programme Horizon 2020 (H2020, 2014–2020) or 9th Framework Programme Horizon Europe (HE, 2021–2027). A broad survey was carried out to identifying success factors regarding good practices, tools, and leadership and collaboration. As an outcome, an overview of EU-funded RDI project coordination and management success factors were generated.


  • EU projects
  • Innovation management
  • Project management
  • RDI
  • RDI management
  • Success factors


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