A simple and robust suspension arrangement is provided for taking into account different suspension modes without the need for excessive sensoring or electronics. The novel suspension arrangement includes a first suspension element, which directly suspends the object to the frame, and a second suspension element, which suspends the object to the frame through a magnetic coupling between the object and the second suspension element. The magnetic coupling provides a magnetic coupling force (Fh) to act as a threshold such that the suspension arrangement is designed to magnetically decouple the second suspen-sion element from the object when the excitation force (Fe) transmitted be-tween the frame and the object exceeds the magnetic coupling force (Fh).
Patent family as of 12.11.2021
CN105992889 A 20161005 CN201480064497 20141125
CN105992889 B 20180119 CN201480064497 20141125
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US11041540 BB 20210622 US20160039051 20141125
US2017159744 AA 20170608 US20160039051 20141125
WO15079109 A1 20150604 WO2014FI50907 20141125
Patent family as of 12.11.2021
CN105992889 A 20161005 CN201480064497 20141125
CN105992889 B 20180119 CN201480064497 20141125
DE602014031112 D1 20180927 DE201460031112T 20141125
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EP3074659 A4 20170628 EP20140865637 20141125
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KR20180059961 A 20180605 KR20187015043 20141125
US11041540 BB 20210622 US20160039051 20141125
US2017159744 AA 20170608 US20160039051 20141125
WO15079109 A1 20150604 WO2014FI50907 20141125
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | EP3074659 |
IPC | B60G 17/ 00 A I |
Priority date | 25/11/14 |
Publication status | Published - 5 Oct 2016 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |