Pyrometric measurement of the temperature and size of individual combusting fuel particles

Timo Joutsenoja, Jari Stenberg, Rolf Hernberg, Martti Aho

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    36 Citations (Scopus)


    A two-color pyrometric technique was developed for the in situ simultaneous measurement of individual fuel-particle temperatures and sizes in a pressurized entrained flow reactor (PEFR). A method that requires only a single optical port was developed, and a specially designed optical probe was manufactured for the measurements at the PEFR. The fuel-particle temperature was obtained by applying two-color pyrometry. The particle size was determined from the same pyrometric signals. A discrimination method was developed to confirm that the detected particle was valid for particle sizing. Several series of measurements were made at a PEFR at different process conditions, and some typical results are shown.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1525 - 1535
    Number of pages11
    JournalApplied Optics
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • fuels
    • particles
    • combustion
    • pyrometrers
    • temperature measurement
    • particle size
    • PEFR


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