Quantum error correction under numerically exact open-quantum-system dynamics

Aravind P. Babu, Tuure Orell, Vasilii Vadimov, Wallace Teixeira, Mikko Möttönen, Matti Silveri

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The known quantum error-correcting codes are typically built on approximative open-quantum-system models such as Born-Markov master equations. However, it is an open question how such codes perform in actual physical systems that, to some extent, necessarily exhibit phenomena beyond the limits of these models. To this end, we employ numerically exact open-quantum-system dynamics to analyze the performance of a five-qubit error-correction code where each qubit is coupled to its own bath. We first focus on the performance of a single error-correction cycle covering timescales and coupling strengths beyond those of Born-Markov models. We observe distinct power-law behavior of the error-corrected channel infidelity t2a: a≲2 in the ultrashort times t<3/ωc and a≈1/2 in the short-time range 3/ωc<t<30/ωc, where ωc is the cutoff angular frequency of the bath. Furthermore, the observed scaling of the performance of error correction is found to be robust against various imperfections in physical qubit systems, such as perturbations in qubit-qubit coupling strengths and parametric disorder. For repeated error correction, we demonstrate the breaking of the five-qubit error-correction code and of the Born-Markov models if the repetition rate of the error-correction cycles exceeds 2π/ω or the coupling strength κ≳ω/10, where ω is the angular frequency of the qubit. Our results provide bounds of validity for the standard quantum error-correction codes and pave the way for applying numerically exact open-quantum-system methods for further studies of error correction beyond simple error models and for other strongly coupled many-body models.

Original languageEnglish
Article number043161
JournalPhysical review research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


We acknowledge funding by the Scientific Advisory Board for Defence (MATINE), Ministry of Defence of Finland, European Research Council under Consolidator Grant No. 681311 (QUESS) and Advanced Grant No. 101053801 (ConceptQ), and the Academy of Finland under Grants No. 316619 and No. 336810. The authors wish to acknowledge the CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland, for computational resources.


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