Quasidynamic calibration of stroboscopic scanning white light interferometer with a transfer standard

Jeremias Seppä, Ivan Kassamakov, Ville Heikkinen, Anton Nolvi, Tor Paulin, Antti Lassila, Edward Haeggström

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    A stroboscopic scanning white light interferometer (SSWLI) can characterize both static features and motion in micro(nano)electromechanical system devices. SSWLI measurement results should be linked to the meter definition to be comparable and unambiguous. This traceability is achieved by careful error characterization and calibration of the interferometer. The main challenge in vertical scale calibration is to have a reference device with reproducible out-of-plane movement. A piezo-scanned flexure guided stage with capacitive sensor feedback was attached to a mirror and an Invar steel holder with a reference plane - forming a transfer standard that was calibrated by laser interferometry with 2.3 nm uncertainty. The moving mirror vertical position was then measured with the SSWLI, relative to the reference plane, between successive mirror position steppings. A light-emitting diode pulsed at 100 Hz with 0.5% duty cycle synchronized to the CCD camera and a halogen light source were used. Inside the scanned 14 μm range, the measured SSWLI scale amplification coefficient error was 0.12% with 4.5 nm repeatability of the steps. For SWLI measurements using a halogen lamp, the corresponding results were 0.05% and 6.7 nm. The presented methodology should permit accurate traceable calibration of the vertical scale of any SWLI.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number124104
    JournalOptical Engineering
    Issue number12
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • calibration
    • MEMS
    • nanoelectromechanical systems
    • scanning white light interferometry
    • stroboscopic


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