Rainanmuodostuskone ja menetelmä rainanmuodostuskoneessa

Translated title of the contribution: Material web machine, has metal coil loop formed by airtight metal band heated by heating device, and mesh formed as transfer sieve, where web is supportably transported from mesh into machine

Riku Pihko (Inventor), Jorma Laapotti (Inventor), Petter Honkalampi (Inventor), Jussi K Jaeaeskelaeinen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


The machine has a press section with single-felt-press nips (N1, NP1) formed between a suction press roll (11) and a central roll (31) and between the central roll and a press roll e.g. flat nip roll (41), respectively. A metal coil loop (30) is arranged at the central roll, and web (W) is brought in the nip (N1) for adhesion at surface of the loop. The loop is formed by an airtight metal band that is heated by a heating device (32). A mesh running around a transfer suction roll (51) is formed as a transfer sieve (50), where the web is supportably transported from the mesh into the machine. An independent claim is also included for a method for producing a material web.

Patent family as of 4.1.2024

DE102009027030 A1 20100107 DE200910027030 20090618

FI120239 B 20090814 FI20080005613 20080619

FI20085613 A0 20080619 FI20080005613 20080619

Translated title of the contributionMaterial web machine, has metal coil loop formed by airtight metal band heated by heating device, and mesh formed as transfer sieve, where web is supportably transported from mesh into machine
Original languageFinnish
Patent numberFI120239 B
Priority date19/06/08
Publication statusPublished - 14 Aug 2009
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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